The EC 135 helicopter is equipped with the highest class CineFlex V14 HD warhead with a Sony HDC-1500 camera and Fujinon 42x9.7 optics and a second camera effect placed in the cabin. Our system allows you to take aerial photos for the film and television purpouses. A twin-engine helicopter can perform flights over urban areas, equipped with navigation devices that allow flying at night and in difficult weather conditions.
1. Transmitting and receiving system installed on the helicopter
This system was built to provide the ability to receive and transmit at the same time. This allows you to send any selected signal from three available sources: the main camera in the Cineflex head, the effect camera in the middle of the helicopter or the signal coming from the mobile transmission system. The signal transmitted by the helicopter is received by a stationary antenna system installed in Warsaw or a mobile receiving set.
2. Stationary receiving system
Tracking directional antenna coupled with an omnidirectional antenna provides the ability to receive the signal: in HD quality up to 100 km, in SD quality up to 200 km, from the receiving system installed in Warsaw. The received signal can then be delivered to anywhere in the world.
3. Mobile receiving set
An additional portable set allows you to receive a signal in HD or SD quality when it is not possible to use a stationary receiver (when pictures are taken out of range of the receiver in Warsaw). The reach of the receiving system of the mobile system is maximum 5 km from the location of receiving antennas. By using the DSNG car at the same time, we can then deliver the signal to any place in the world.
4. Mobile broadcast set
This set is distinguished by size, it is a small backpack, in which there is equipment along with a telescopic handle and a set of interchangeable antennas with different power. Specially constructed battery allows you to replace the battery during operation, so it is possible to continuously broadcast the signal from the connected camera (or the entire transmission car) to the receiver installed on the helicopter. The signal can be transmitted in HD or SD quality. This solution increases the implementation possibilities by using the helicopter simultaneously as a photo system and an additional signal transmission point to the receiving station.